Meet ideas?

russ why not have a meet with a difference and have it at your place. Get a group together to help out with the house renovation and then off to the pub for an evening.
That way you get the house nearer completion and peeps get to drive out in thier cars, meet others, and get an evening at the pub
Everyones a winner
I would LOVE Zedfest, but that'll at least wipe out an entire Saturday (this Sat have builders in as well) and it's about 4 hours each way for me. Was thinking more next month and within 30 mins of here :)

Ben, haha novel idea. Can definitely have a meet at my place in the future, I have conZult as well so those with '32s could have a go on that as well. Sadly unless you can render externally or are a carpenter you're little use to me at the moment :)